My Profile - Sara Salaheldin Abdelmegeed
الاسم الرباعى : سارة صلاح الدين عبد المجيد محمد
المسمى الوظيفي: أستاذ مساعد
أستاذ مساعد بكلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
علوم التأهيل الطبى - برنامج العلاج الطبيعي
متخصصه ومهتمة بأبحاث اضطرابات الجهاز العصبى العضلى وجراحتها.

المؤهلات العلمية
المؤهلات العلمية: دكتوراه فى العلاج الطبيعى لأمراض الجهاز العضلى العصبى وجراحتها
ماجستير فى العلاج الطبيعى لأمراض الجهاز العضلى العصبى وجراحتها
بكالوريوس فى العلاج الطبيعى
Lecturer at physical therapy department for neuromuscular disorders & its surgery, Modern Technology & Information University 2021- 2024.
Assistant lecturer at physical therapy department for neuromuscular disorders & its surgery, Modern Technology & Information University 2016- 2020.
Physiotherapy consultant at Modern Technology &Information University outpatients Clinics 2018- 2024.
Senior Physical therapist at El Khashab physical medicine clinic 2017- 2019.
Demonstrator at physical therapy department for neuromuscular disorders & its surgery, Modern Technology & Information University. 2014-2016
Physiotherapist at Dr.Kalthom Mohamed Clinic 2010.
Physiotherapist at El-Noor Center For Physiotherapy 2010
Physiotherapist at El-Helal Center For Physiotherapy 2010
Physiotherapy consultant at Modern Technology &Information University outpatients Clinics 2018- 2024.
Senior Physical therapist at El Khashab physical medicine clinic 2017- 2019.
Demonstrator at physical therapy department for neuromuscular disorders & its surgery, Modern Technology & Information University. 2014-2016
Physiotherapist at Dr.Kalthom Mohamed Clinic 2010.
Physiotherapist at El-Noor Center For Physiotherapy 2010
Physiotherapist at El-Helal Center For Physiotherapy 2010
التخصصات والمهارات
المهام الوظيفية:
Rapporteur of internship committee at Modern Technology & Information University
الدورات التدربية
- Certification of vestibular rehabilitation program (evaluation and treatment of patients with
dizziness and balance disorders). July 2023.
- Certification of Scoliosis management, schroth concept. September 2023
- Speaker at 1st international health and physiotherapy congress, Istanbul Medipol University. 2023
- Attend the 1st MTI International conference under title of “Physical Therapy For Life” on 17th Nov 2022.
- Certificate Of Attendance For The Scientific Congress of The Department of Physical Therapy For Disturbance of Growth and Development &its Surgery
- Certificate of Attendance For Scientific Conference of Neuromuscular Disordres &its Surgery Under Slogan Of Basic Strategies For Stroke Rehabilitation
- Certificate Of Attendance For The Annual Meeting Of Neurology, Psychiatry Neurosurgery Department ,Kasr Aini ,Cairo University.
- Attend the first & second MTI Physical therapy student scientific forum 2018.
الأبحاث العلمية:
Yomna F. Ahmed, Ragaee Saeed Mahmoud, Sara S. El-Din, Alaa A. Ahmed, & Reham M. Abdelrahim. (2023). Distance electrotherapy versus low pulsed electromagnetic field in the treatment of lower back myofascial syndrome: A randomized control trial. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology, 30(3), 94-105.
Darwish, M. H., H. Samir, S. S. A. M, and H. A. Khalifa, "Effect of Transcranial direct current stimulation on sensory
integration and risk of falling in diabetic polyneuropathy", International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, vol. 24, issue 10, pp. 5582-5593, 2020.
المقررات التدريسية:
مبادئ أمراض الجهاز العصبي العضلي وجراحتها
العلاج الطبيعي لأمراض الجهاز العصبي االعضلي وجراحتها
الممارسة الأكلينيكية 3
خالساعات المكتبية
8 - 9 | 9 - 10 | 10 - 11 | 11 - 12 | 12 - 1 | 1 - 2 | |
الأحد Sunday |
الاثنين Monday |
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الثلاثاء Tuesday |
office hour | |||||
الأربعاء Wednesday |
الخميس Thursday |